Galerie CIANT zve na prezentaci britského kurátora K. Whittla a laboratoře /sLab. /
Gallery CIANT would like to invite you to a presentation of the UK curator K. Whittle and /sLab.Galerie CIANT zve na prezentaci britského kurátora K. Whittla a laboratoře /sLab. /
Gallery CIANT would like to invite you to a presentation of the UK curator K. Whittle and /sLab.
/sLab je výzkumná laboratoř pro digitální technologie při University of Sunderland (UK), která podporuje vznik a prezentaci nových uměleckých děl.
Zaměřuje se primárně na spoluprací mezi Británií a asijskými zeměmi a realizuje program rezidenčních pobytů pro umělce. V poslední době spolupracovala laboratoř například s Robinem Rimbaudem nebo 8gg.
/sLab vede Keith Whittle, kurátor a projektový manažer, který se pohybuje na scéně mediálního umění více než 14 let. Jeho zkušenost pomohla rozvoji spolupráce s Asií, stál za mnoha inovativními projekty, zakázkami na vytvoření nových děl, organizoval důležité výstavy. Spolupracoval mj. s Tate Modern, Tate Britain, Victoria Miro Gallery, Wapping Project, BALTIC, British Film Institute, Cornerhouse, FACT, Channel 4, Institute of Contemporary Arts nebo INIVA.
/sLab is a digital media research laboratory at the University of Sunderland (UK) based within the School of Arts, Design, Media & Culture involved with the commissioning, curation and production of digital media projects by artists. During last year /sLab completed a number of high-profile visual art commissions / research projects including amongst others; a major 2 year collaborative practice-led, location specific project between Chinese and UK film / media artists funded by Artists Links, Visiting Arts and Arts Council, England, an artist in residence project with 8gg, leading media art duo from Beijing, curating an off-site art programme focused on public engagement centred around the theme of regeneration, supported by Sunderland arc, and a Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation funded comparative research project exploring media art practice in Japan, with contributions from leading Japanese curators, academics, distributors, commentators, producers and art workers in the field, and a sound work project by renowned sound artist Robin Rimbaud, amongst others. /sLab will build on these recent successes through an ongoing programme that supports local artists and initiatives, whilst also offering a regular programme of curated projects, exhibitions, artist-in-residence, talks and events working with artists and organisations at a national and international level.
Keith Whittle is director of /sLab and he has worked in project management, arts administration and curation for over 14 years and has been closely involved in the UK’s and overseas contemporary arts scene and has contributed to its development. He has considerable experience in the commissioning, producing and management of new and innovative work in the field of film, video and new media and has worked in partnership with a number of major institutions and organisations such as Tate Modern, Tate
Britain, Victoria Miro Gallery, Wapping Project, BALTIC, British Film Institute, Cornerhouse, FACT, Channel 4, Institute of Contemporary Arts and INIVA amongst others.